I Have a Shopify or an Online store
and I want to be on HIP·HOP·TV® $hopping Network
I Don't Have a Shopify or an Online store and I want to start One.
We can help you get started
The rules of shopping has changed , now more than ever people are shopping from home and even better yet; from their phone. HIP·HOP·TV® $hopping Network is the perfect way to enhance the Shopify or online store that you already have. For a small one-time investment, get on TV and tell new customers about your products. People love to see stories behind the brands and at HIP·HOP·TV® $hopping Network we are all about that.
Tell your customers what inspired you to come up with the product and what it took to get where you are ; on TV selling your products to a nationwide audience. That's what HIP·HOP·TV® $hopping Network can do for you. We have flexible pricing for those that are just getting starting and different packages for those that are ready to take it to the next level.
We have studios in New York City, and Orange County, New York, making it perfect for any Metro Tri-state area entrepreneur. Those of you out of state fear not, a zoom guest appearance is so normal now, its like you are there in the studio with us...So jump in the water is warm and there has never been a better time to be an entrepreneur than now.
Also If you don't have a Shopify store and have an idea for a product or service, we can help you create your store and get you on the path to sale in a few short weeks.
Give us a call and lets get started - Z-Man 845-674-7283
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